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What to Expect from Utah Esthetician Schools

Posted by Nima | October 4, 2021

The road to becoming an expert esthetician is comparable to that of a typical esthetician, with a few modifications. Here’s how to become an expert esthetician in Utah:

  • Enroll in a basic esthetician program and complete coursework in Utah. Ensure that the Utah Esthetician School you choose covers Utah esthetics laws in-depth, including Utah business license applications, Utah industry code, and law regarding chemical peels.
  • Complete a Master Esthetician Program with Coursework. (Basic and Master coursework can be completed in one program.) Utah’s Master Esthetician Program is 1200 hours hours in Utah. Utah requirements can be found on the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing website. Utah’s Master Esthetician requirements are not exactly the same as those of other state licenses.
  • Take the Utah State Exam. Utah offers the Utah State Board exam once a year. Utah requires that you pass both National (NBDH) and Utah exams to be considered for Utah Esthetician licensing. Utah Esthetician Board exams are $250 and must be paid by Utah Esthetician School grads before the exam date. The Esthetician State Board exams are considered “difficult” due to Utah’s stringent requirements.
  • Keep Your Esthetician’s License Valid. Utah requires that your Esthetician licenses be renewed every year. Renewal applications can be found on the Utah Esthetician Schools website.
  • For people wanting to become master estheticians, the state of Utah requires additional training. A comprehensive program is available to students who wish to learn basic and master esthetics at one time.


Several states demand extra training for certain aesthetician jobs, such as a medical aesthetician. A general aesthetician must complete a basic esthetics program, whereas those wanting to work as a medical aesthetician must complete a master esthetics curriculum. The Master Esthetics Program is a specialized program that builds on the basic esthetics curriculum but adds more standards. Utah has its own requirements for the Utah Master Esthetics Program. Utah’s Master Esthetician program is 1200 hours in Utah.

Facial treatments, skin exfoliation procedures, product selections, waxing techniques, natural nail care, eye treatments, lash extensions, and cosmetic applications are all skills esthetician schools teach to cosmetology students. Utah requires beauticians to complete an approved Esthetics Course, which is usually at accredited cosmetology schools. Utah requires all aestheticians to complete Utah esthetics courses as part of their esthetician school training. Esthetician coursework teaches students about the specifics of treating a client in a medical setting.

The master esthetics program builds on the fundamentals learned in the basic course. Advanced skin care, stone therapy, hair removal techniques, advanced facial peels, body wraps, and microdermabrasion are only a few of the treatments included in the graduate esthetician program. Estheticians are always coming up with new techniques, so it’s important for your training in Utah to be current. Esthetician schools in Utah, both basic and graduate-level, are dedicated to pushing the industry forward through continuing education and training. Esthetician schools in Utah typically include hands-on workshops, where students get to practice their techniques and use up-to-date equipment. Estheticians can commonly find themselves working in day spas, salons, medical offices, and other public areas to provide services. Esthetician schools in Utah typically train students to work with clients one-on-one. Esthetician training includes learning about customer service, safety, how to work with different kinds of skin, and how to choose products specifically for each client’s needs. Esthetician schools are available for anyone who wants to become an Esthetician.


There are a variety of career paths open to master estheticians. With a master esthetician license, you may work in the following fields:

  • Plastic Surgeons
  • Dermatologists
  • Laser Practitioners
  • Medical Spas
  • Specialist Clinics

Esthetics is a fast-growing industry. Whether you choose the basic or master program, there are numerous ways to pursue a career in esthetics for you. If you’re interested in learning more about esthetics, NIMA is an excellent place to start.